"Wandering Storycrafters" Residency


In days of olde, storytellers were itinerant souls, wandering from village to village spreading the news of the day, passing on the wisdom of the stories to all who would listen, and sharing the tales that the village leaders and citizens needed to hear in order to help them with daily decisions and advancement. Let The Storycrafters 'wander' your school, and share the wisdom of the stories with every classroom in your building.


In advance of the Wandering Storycrafters residency, teachers are given a questionnaire, relating to specific areas of curriculum and other classroom behavior issues, etc., that they are facing at the time of The Storycrafters visit. A schedule of classroom visits is then set up by the school administration. During the days of the residency, The Storycrafters visit each classroom in the school, sharing a set of stories tailor-made for the group of students in each room. It's like a 'gift of stories' specifically for each classroom in the building.

Stories can address areas of curriculum, character education issues, seasonal themes, and other topic areas. Just as in days of olde, The Storycrafters can bring each classroom 'village' just the stories that they need to hear! Let The Storycrafters bring the 'gift of stories' to all of the classes in your school.